Pragmatic Shift Workshops

Removing Obstacles to Agile Mastery with Expertly Facilitated Workshops

Introducing our new workshop services at Pragmatic Shift! Our offerings include Product Goal creation, Value Stream Mapping, and Scrum Event Surgery. Work with our experienced facilitators for a leg up on your journey to excellence!

Workshop Facilitation

Overcoming obstacles with practical workshops.

Sometimes all you need is a helping hand, and that is exactly what we provide with our workshops. Facilitated by experts from the trenches to get you real solutions to real problems.

Pragmatic Shift Workshops

Crafting the Product Goal

Our Product Goal Creation workshop helps teams and organizations create a clear desired future state to aim for. Work together with experienced facilitators to develop a clear and actionable Product Goal.

Introducing our new half-day workshop at Pragmatic Shift, focused on creating a strong Product Goal as defined in Scrum. This workshop is delivered directly to clients, either in person or virtually, and is facilitated by a Professional Scrum Trainer with over a decade of experience in agile and product development.

During this workshop, you’ll learn the key principles and techniques for creating a Product Goal that is clear, actionable, and aligned with your business objectives. Our experienced trainer will guide you through the process, providing insights and feedback to help you develop a Product Goal that drives your product development forward.

Whether you’re new to Scrum or an experienced practitioner, our half-day workshop on creating a Product Goal is the perfect opportunity to enhance your skills and improve your product development process. Contact us today to learn more!

How does it Work?

Pragmatic Shift Workshops

Scrum Event Surgery

Getting the Scrum Events and Refinement right can be one of the largest sources of frustration in any Scrum environment. Luckily, we've seen it all before and can help you get to the positive and productive sweetspot!

Introducing our new Scrum Event Surgery service at Pragmatic Shift! With this service, a Professional Scrum Trainer and experienced practitioner will come to your team to observe, guide, and improve how your team conducts their Scrum Events. Our trainer will provide valuable insights and feedback to help your team optimize their Scrum practices and achieve better results.

During the Scrum Event Surgery, our trainer will work closely with your team to identify areas for improvement and provide practical guidance on how to enhance your Scrum Events. Whether it’s refining your Sprint Planning, improving your Daily Scrum, or optimizing your Sprint Review and Retrospective, our trainer will help your team achieve their full potential.

Don’t miss this opportunity to take your Scrum practices to the next level with our Scrum Event Surgery service. Contact us today to learn more!

How does it Work?

Pragmatic Shift Workshops

Value-Stream Mapping

Maximizing the flow of value requires the understanding of how value is realized in the organization, and how the work flows through it in order to deliver it. This is exactly what value-stream mapping helps to visualize. It is also a great way for anyone wanting to implement Kanban, or Scrum with Kanban.

Introducing our new full-day workshop at Pragmatic Shift, focused on value stream mapping. This workshop is designed to help you identify and analyze the flow of materials and information required to bring a product or service to a customer. Delivered directly to clients, either in person or virtually, our workshop is facilitated by an experienced trainer with a deep understanding of agile and product development.

During this workshop, you’ll learn the key principles and techniques for creating a value stream map, including how to identify value-adding activities, reduce waste, and improve the flow of value to your customers. Our experienced trainer will guide you through the process, providing insights and feedback to help you develop a value stream map that drives your business forward.

Whether you’re new to value stream mapping or an experienced practitioner, our full-day workshop is the perfect opportunity to enhance your skills and improve your business processes. Contact us today to learn more!

How does it Work?